Tuesday 17 January 2012

Whys that bloke gone to the ladies?.....holy shit its Tilda Swinton

Theres very few actors who have their own little dare I say "Super power" Tilda Swinton on the other hand does. One of the best British actress's in my view she has an uncanny nack for being able to switch her looks of gender to suit a role. This is most evident in 1992s Orlando where she played the title hero of the story buy Virginia Woolf.
She later went on to play Angel Gabriel in the ill advised movie version of the comic Hellblazer.
While most actress would run a mile to aviod roles like these Tilda seems to brave all and any role she given showing her true arthouse roots as a result. And despite all this she is still a very attractive woman in other features. For this I consider Tilda Swinton to be a master class over most actors.

Tildas more butch roles

Yet she still in most respects attractive

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